Girls World Expo Fresno CA – 03/03/2019
Girls World Expo Fresno CA – 03/03/2019
On March the 3rd Mari, Arbella, and Aracely spent the day making a presence at Fresno’s annual Girls World Expo. The Expo had a variety of resources for the young girls in attendance from Quincenera party planning, bath bombs; resources on girls hygiene, Girl Scout cookies and even S.T.E.M program reps were in the house! (STEM standing for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The occasion allowed the TKRL ladies to interact with several age groups of young gals. Our younger lady friends were excited to hear about their development and our older lady friends giggled, but were truly interested to hear about our information regarding healthy relationships; our healthy relationship quiz brochures were high in demand, even with the parents in attendance!
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