Leading the pro-life movement in Tulare and Kings Counties

Tulare-Kings Right to Life (TKRL)  is dedicated to promoting, upholding, and supporting reverence and respect for human life in Tulare and Kings counties. TKRL seeks to protect both women and unborn children from abortion; born  infants from infanticide; and, the disabled and aged from euthanasia and assisted suicide.

We are helping to build a caring, compassionate society that will recognize the underlying problems of those in crisis and offer positive alternatives and support to the distressed and their families. We work within the law to change the law. And we promote healing hope for anyone injured in heart, mind and body by participation in such attacks on innocent human life.


TO EDUCATE: To educate the community in regard to abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, fetal experimentation, and other actions which deny human dignity. To inform citizens how to effectively make their voices heard in a democracy.

Volunteers with ProLife DisplayTO ORGANIZE: To identify and organize the pro-life citizens in Tulare and Kings counties into an effective force to restore respect for human life in public policy.

TO LEGISLATE: To ultimately legislate a Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which will make possible legal protection for all human beings. We are especially mindful of the unborn, the aged, the impoverished, the impaired, the incompetent, and all those otherwise weak, disadvantaged or defenseless. While working toward this goal, we promote and support other positive legislation to improve and protect human life.

TO HELP BUILD: To help build a caring, compassionate society that will recognize the underlying problems of those in crisis and offer positive alternatives and support to the distressed and their families.


Tulare-Kings Right to LIfe is a community benefit organization dedicated to reviving a culture where all human life is valued and protected. In the 41 cities it represents, TKRL educates the community on fetal development through Latinos4Life, at public health fairs, school and church sites. The IRMA Network promotes healing after abortion and Voices for Life inspires teen advocates to defend women and babies, and gives men a voice. TKRL ignites community involvement with the message about the value of life from conception to natural death.